With my wife due to give birth to our second child at any time, I'm reminded of what is really important to me: my family. One of the great things about photography is how we can use to capture priceless moments with our family, things that we might forget until we take a look at those photos again.
I have to admit that I'm not a great photographer, but it does not matter that much to me since most pictures that I take are snapshots of my son. The important thing to me is to save those memories of moments that are never going to come back again.
I keep meaning to make an album or a scrapbook of each month of my son's life so far. Now with a 2nd child on the way, I'm wondering if I'll ever get it done.
Using Google's Picasa, I had created a web album of each month of my son, Aqil's life. Shown below is one picture from each month of Aqil's life so far.
Aqil at the hospital on the day of his birth.

Aqil 2 months old during his Aqiqah ceremony.

Aqil 3 months old on my father's hammock.
My Father had just bought this hammock and Aqil was one of the first people to try it.

Aqil 4 months old

Aqil 5 months old
Aqil in our hotel room in Sabak Bernam, while we were visiting some relatives there.

Aqil 6 months old

Aqil 7 months old
Aqil 8 months old
We had to opt for a cesarean because he was in breach position. My Mom came with me to the hospital for the birth, but the hospital wouldn't let us into the operating theater. It was quite an agonizing wait to find out whether my wife and son were all right after the operation. I have to tell you that holding him for the first time was probably the best moment in my life.
Aqil 2 months old during his Aqiqah ceremony.
My wife had ordered Aqil's Baju Melayu (Malay traditrional clothing) especially for this occasion.
Aqil 3 months old on my father's hammock.
My Father had just bought this hammock and Aqil was one of the first people to try it.
Aqil 4 months old
Aqil 5 months old
Aqil in our hotel room in Sabak Bernam, while we were visiting some relatives there.
Aqil 6 months old
Aqil 7 months old
(disclaimer: do NOT put a baby in a Bumbo seat on an elevated surface, it's dangerous as the baby can tip over and fall head first. Somebody was beside Aqil on both sides when this picture was taken.)
Aqil eating an orange at my parent's house.
Aqil 9 months old
Aqil having fun at Port Dickson on his Spongebob Squarepants float.
Aqil 10 Months old
My wife introduced Aqil early on to books. So far (at 21 months old) he likes to look at the pictures and name some objects, but hasn't really learned to read yet.
Aqil 11 months old.
An accident in the kitchen (his maternal Grandmother was frying fish when he came into the kitchen, when suddenly the oil popped and some splashed onto his forehead) caused him to have some scars on his forehead, which luckily healed quickly. The scars aren't that clear in this picture because it had already started to heal.
Aqil 1 year old
For some reason he really likes brooms (maybe because he always follow his maternal Grandmother, who takes care of him during the day, while she cleans the house and sweeps the lawn).

Aqil 13 months old
Aqil on the swing in front of his Grandmother's house.
Aqil 14 months old
Aqil 15 months old
Aqil and my wife, Hawa taking a stroll at a park in Shah Alam.
Aqil 16 Months old
Aqil playing with his favourite toys, from the Thomas and Friends television series. The tracks were a present from my sister.
Aqil 17 months old
Aqil at the hotel swimming pool with my wife during our holiday in Malacca.
Aqil 18 months old
Another of his favourite activities, drawing and doodling.
Aqil 19 months old
Aqil pointing to a character in his Thomas and Friends book.
Aqil 20 months old
Aqil 21 months old
Aqil taking an afternoon stroll by the lake at the Enstek housing area in Sepang.
Looking at these and other pictures of my son reminds me to spend more time with him. I'll also post something as soon my second child is born.
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