Why is it that the older we get, the less time we have to do things? Why is this? More responsibility? More obligations? Less energy?
I used to have to play any sport in the afternoon, be it football, badminton, volleyball, or any other team sport. Although for some reason, I can't make myself do solitary exercise like going to the gym or jogging. Perhaps it's because with team sports, you don't really realize that you are exercising, you just concentrate on playing the game and having fun. I'd come back from school, college or work, and then would go out and play a sport. If it rained heavily, or if for some other reason I couldn't play, I would get frustrated.
I know of some friends who were into sports in school, but stopped playing as soon as they finished school. Not me.
Unfortunately, nowadays it is getting harder and harder for me to do this anymore. Which is frustrating since in sports, you never know how long you still have in terms of being able to play. Something could happen (like serious injury) at any time that would stop you permanently from playing the game.
The thing that keeps me positive is sometimes seeing older people still playing sports. Granted, they are not able to play at the same pace, but they usually are able to use their experience to play better. I've seen them play badminton, golf, football (when I say football, I'm referring to soccer) and tennis. I've seen some still go running in the afternoons and feel ashamed that I'm not as fit as they are.
I remember when my friends and I used to play badminton at night, on an outdoor court, with only streetlights as the light source. It was pretty damn funny because we'd be taking airshots and making jokes at each other. However, even this has stopped now for some reason, despite a few attempts to try and play badminton together. I really miss playing sports. Watching or reading about it isn't the same as playing it.
The weird thing is, my friends stopped playing badminton soon after I bought a new racket to replace my old one (the frame got distorted due to me stupidly leaving it in the car.)
The group of people who used to play football (they were different from the group of friends who played badminton with me) soon stopped playing when I bought new football shoes as well. I know it's just coincidence, but it really left me feeling bemused. If everybody was just going to stop playing and I knew about it, I would have saved money instead of replacing old gear, which is now not being used.
At least I'm still relatively young and healthy. I should just go and exercise again, even if it means exercising alone.
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